Ethics and RAPID Concepts
The session aimed to Introduce the learners to the Mozilla project, responsible computing and the RAPID concepts i.e Responsibility, Accountability, Professionalism, Inclusivity and Diversity.
Session Summary
Prof. Felix Musau introduces the Mozilla Responsible Computing challenge to the learner and discussed its importance and the impact it will have in producing responsible ethical professionals. He also introduced the Riara University Mozilla Project (RAPID), where they had a chance to discuss responsibility, Accountability, Professionalism, Inclusivity and Diversity in the world of computing using various real-world examples. The learners then had a breakout session where they identify the RAPID concepts and had debates in real world scenarios that had occurred in the past
Skills learnt
The students were able to understand the importance of responsible computing through the RAPID concepts discussions and were able to apply the RAPID concepts in scenarios given and point out possible solutions or alternatives.